Hi, me again! I've missed you, sweet computer!
Hearty Lettuce! |
Our garden is looking fabulous, but not without some worry, frustration, rainouts, and finally... sunshine! With it freezing longer than had planned, I lost a few veggies. I had to pull the beans, some peas, and all the carrots. Our strong stand outs? Kale, lettuce, arugula, and onions!! These guys are awesome and now are growing faster than ever. The sun actually came out for a week straight too, and who'd a thought these little guys love sun?! They must love it just as much as I do because they all doubled in size this week. Elisa and I replanted beans (now sprouting!), spinich, more arugula, more peas, and nisturtiums. All are doing well! I finally got my herbs planted too, although I was still hesitant with this pesky weather. Rosemary, cilantro, dill, parsley, basil.... yummy! Next on the agenda will simply be... water, weed, feed, water, weed, feed, and repeat!
Mom, I think we should plant strawberries over there! |
June is going to be a big month for us... Callen turns one, the YMCA opens, and we are getting a Trader Joes (not in that order)! Which one do you think I'm most excited about?? For Callens birthday we want to have a BBQ, in the garden! So hopefully, things are looking even stronger and more vibrant by then. So far so good!! It will be fun to share the growth and beauty of both my garden, and my son with close friends and family. Both are challenging, rewarding, and a joy to watch grow... but there's nothing better in life than my little boy. =)